Drive top talent to your job postings

Combat talent scarcity with a professional page and traffic boost tailored to your recruitment needs

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Drive top talent to your job postings

Combat talent scarcity with a professional page and traffic boost tailored to your recruitment needs

Employer Brand on Demand

Accelerate your hiring process
We'll quickly create a professionally-crafted landing page so you can drive job seekers to your job postings – in as little as 24 hours.
Leverage the power of your employer brand
Shows job seekers what it’s like to work at your organization with available sections for content, perks and benefits, and testimonials providing insight into your culture.
Convert the right audience quickly
Your landing page will drive both active and passive job seekers directly to available job postings on Monster to increase conversion rates.

Media with guaranteed performance

A targeted media campaign, managed and optimized by a dedicated program manager, will target quality job seekers where they engage with guaranteed visits.

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Flexible pay as you go model

Rather than committing to long-term contracts or unjustified upfront fees, pay only when a candidate actively engages with your organization.

Contact Form
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* All fields are required