
Inventory Management

SearchMonster gives you the ability to search for candidates and message them all in one place. We’ll show you how to keep tabs on your inventory so you can get the most out of this powerful tool.

Know what counts as a view

When you click on a candidate from your search results, you will see the Monster Profile first. This is a free preview and not counted as a view.

Take any number of the following actions within 30 days and only 1 view from inventory will be deducted from your account:

  • Viewing the Original CV
  • Forwarding the CV
  • Downloading the CV
  • Sending an Email Message
  • Adding to a Folder
  • Adding a Note

30-Day view window

After you are charged a view, any other actions taken over the next 30 days will not affect inventory. So if you view the original CV, forward it to a hiring manager, and add it to a folder, it would only be counted as 1 view.

If you perform an action after the 30 days, you will be charged another view.

Additional actions within 30 days do not impact inventory.

Actions taken after the 30-day window will deduct 1 more view.


If you have viewed a candidate you will see a Viewed callout next to that candidate’s name.

5 ways to watch your inventory

1. Narrow results before emailing

If you send a message to a candidate, it counts as 1 view even if you do not view the CV. To conserve your inventory, it’s important to make sure you only message candidates that fit your criteria.

We strongly recommend narrowing down your search with additional criteria until your results are in the 100-200 range. Then, you’ll know the candidates that you choose to message from the results page or through Auto Messaging will meet your qualifications.

2. Review auto message daily sends

To start, you will have 100 maximum daily sends, and this number can increase to up to 1,000 depending on your click rate. It’s important to choose the maximum daily sends that work for your campaign and inventory.

Unless the position is an immediate need, we recommend starting with 25 or 50 daily sends. It’s a good idea to start with a conservative amount because if you’re not getting the click rate you were hoping for, you can adjust your message and see if you get a lift in responses.

  • Auto Messages are sent to your favourites first, and because we continue to search for new matches that have just entered our database, you may have the opportunity to connect with candidates very early in their search.

3. Prevent overlap with auto messages

Inventory views are counted against each user. So if you message a candidate, you will be charged a view. If another SearchMonster user within your organization messages that same candidate, they will also be charged a view.

Monster has provided you with the Exclude Candidates dropdown menu for your Auto Messages. This will save you views and prevent you and other users in your company from messaging the same candidate within a week or 30 days.

4. Always send follow-up emails

Follow Up messages are highly recommended as they offer you another opportunity to connect. They are easy to create and will not deduct additional inventory from your account.

5. Monitor your usage

You can check your inventory at any time from the SearchMonster dashboard, or on your search results page. The numbers will show you how much inventory you have used. If the icon is green, you have over 50% of your inventory remaining. If you see a yellow or red icon here, your inventory is less than 50% and you should consider purchasing more.

To see more details such as start and expiration date sign into your account and click on the settings icon at the top of the page. Then click Inventory Detail.