
Applicant Management with Monster+

Managing your candidates can be challenging without a good system in place to keep you organized. Luckily, Monster gathers all of your applicant information in a central location where you can sort and filter according to your needs. Keeping your hiring pipeline organized will help you save time and focus on getting the job filled.

Learn everything you need to know to manage your applicants with Monster, right here. Then see how you can continue the conversation with our Messaging Best Practices article.

Applicant information

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To get started simply click Applicants at the top of the page, and you will see a list of all the job seekers who applied to your open positions:

By default, 10 applicants are displayed on each page, but at the bottom right corner of the page you can change that and view up to 25 or 50 applicants at a time.

Here’s the information available for each applicant.

  • Name – This field shows you the name and surname of the applicant. Clicking on it will take you to the applicant details, where you can see their Monster profile or their own CV (depending on what they used to apply).
  • Date Applied – This is the date you received the application and it’s an important factor, especially when you want to filter by Recent Applications First.
  • Job Applied – This field specifies which job title this application is intended for, and includes the location.
  • Recent Experience – Here you can see the applicant’s most recent job title and company. If they applied with their own CV instead of their Monster profile, you’ll notice a See CV link. Clicking on it will take you to the applicant details, where you can view and download the CV.
  • Interested – Are you interested in the applicant? Click thumbs up! If you think they are not a good fit for the role, you can select the thumbs down icon.
  • Favourites – Using the gold or silver stars will mark the applicant as favourite.
  • Status – The default status for each applicant is Awaiting Review but it changes automatically to Reviewed when an action is taken on the applicant. You can also update the status manually in the applicant details page: Contacting, Interviewed, Hired and Rejected. This provides you with a quick and easy way to know exactly where the applicant stands with a particular position.
  • Contact – Ready to get in touch with the applicant? Click on the message icon to send them an email.

Applicant actions

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As mentioned, there are a couple of actions you can perform on the applicants:

  • Interested? Thumbs up/down allows you to say whether you find the applicant interesting or not.
  • Favourites. The gold and silver stars help you rate your favourite applicants. Give your frontrunners a gold star, and mark other promising applicants with a silver star.
Remember: When you perform one of the actions above, the applicant status will automatically change to Reviewed. This helps you see at a glance who you have already taken an action on, and who still needs to be reviewed.

Sorting & filtering

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Monster’s sorting and filtering capabilities makes organizing your applicants easy and removes the additional task of creating an entire folder system. Sort and filter are located right at the top of your applicants list:

Sort. If you have a lot of applicants to review, sorting functionality becomes especially important. Sorting helps you rearrange and reorganize the list of applicants according to your preference.

Here is what you can do:

  • Show the most recent applications first. This is the default setting when you open the Applicants page.
  • Show the older applications first.
  • Sort your applicants in alphabetical order (A-Z or Z-A).
  • Re-organise the list of applicants based on the job they applied to. You can sort the job titles alphabetically (A-Z or Z-A).

Filtering applications is extremely helpful, too. It allows you to narrow down your list, so you can hide some applicants and focus on the ones you need to review at the moment.

You can filter using the following values:

  • Job Applied – View only applicants who applied to a specific job.
  • Interested – View only applicants you marked as thumbs up (interested) or thumbs down (not interested).
  • Favourites – View only applicants marked with a gold star (frontrunners) or a silver star (other promising applicants).
  • Status – View candidates based on their status: Awaiting Review, Reviewed, Contacting, Interviewed, Hired and Rejected.

Make sure you take actions on your best applicants. Give a thumbs up to those you are interested in, and give a gold star to your frontrunners. This will help you find them in no time thanks to the filtering options available!

Applicant details (profile/CV)

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The applicant details will bring you to a page where you can view an applicant’s contact information, location, and work authorization.

If the applicant applied with their Monster profile, you will see a summary of their career and details about their work experience, skills and education.

The profile details can be expanded/collapsed for easier viewing and for each skill the applicant’s knowledge level is displayed (Novice, Intermediate, Advanced or Expert).

If the applicant applied with their own CV, you can download the original CV file, which can be in either PDF or DOC format:

And finally, while you are viewing the applicant details, make sure to mark your interest level and star rating on the left side of the page – so you don’t forget your first impression. You can also update their status, to keep track of their progress through the hiring cycle.

Tip: Need some best practices for messaging your frontrunners? Review our tips!