
Managing Your Jobs & Applicants

Managing your job postings is easy with the Monster+ platform. Whether you’re looking to edit or remove a job positing, promote your job posting, review and manage applicants – or simply connect with them, it’s all built right in. Our training materials are here to help you get up and running in no time.


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Training Videos

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Manage Jobs & Monitor Performance (3 mins)
Learn how you can take action on your previously posted jobs, track the progress with real-time performance data, and access your applicants.
Applicant Management (2 mins)
Learn how to best manage and connect with your interested applicants.
Encourage applicants to take action and look forward to the next phase of the hiring process.

After entering all the job details and reviewing them in the Finalise step, you can continue to the next page, where you can specify a budget, which is the average amount you’d like to spend per day to promote your job.

Simply pick from the 3 options available and specify how long you want to run the promotion by setting a duration. To help you decide how much to spend, you’ll see daily and weekly pricing estimates and an expectation of how many applications you may receive over the promotion duration.

Just remember you will be billed based on Cost Per Click (CPC), which means you are only charged when a candidate clicks, taps, or swipes to view your job postings or when they click on the Apply button.

For more details, check out our article Promoting Your Monster+ Job Posting.

Absolutely! When you log into your Monster+ Account, click on Jobs at the top of the page and find the job posting you want to edit. Click on the Actions menu right below the job title and choose Edit. This will take you back to the posting flow, where you can update the information of the open position.  

For more information on job posting actions, click here. 

We have detailed reporting available so you can always understand the value you are getting with Monster and your return on investment. When signed into your Monster Account, click on Jobs at the top of the page. Each job posting you have created will be listed in this view. Click the job title to view the performance data such as: Views, Paid Clicks, Applications, and Total Cost. To learn more about monitoring your performance, click here.

When you sign into your Monster+ Account, click on Applicants at the top of the page. This will bring you to a list of applicants that have applied to any of your job posting. Feel free to use the filters and sorting tools to better manage your list – to learn more about them, click here.

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